The best movie i've ever seen! (after Almost Famous)

I LOVE TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The book number one (twilight) makes me cry.. and the others are good, but not exactly like the first one.. and the movie WOW . I was really expecting less, and surpass all!!!! I know, i know, everybody is excited with this movie and EVERYONE have read the book haha but This deserves it! It's not like Harry Potter, no no, It's more amm romantic, more GIRLY hahaha that's the word! hahahahaha. Im in love with Edward Cullen, RIGHT!, Im a fan of BELLA SWAN, Right! .. wwuuw everybody lets go to the theatre TONIGHTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!
Edward Cullen, Isabella Swan. (LLL)
3 Comentarios:
neta que si, es imposible no salir enamorado de Edward!!
es broma.. la chila es Alice.. y luego su jefita (por guapa) y luego la Bella por ser tan,,.. mmm natural
ay ahora resulta que todos bien chilos la vieron y yo no, y ahora SÉ, que ellos no ueden tener relaciones!!!!! jajaja :P
el sabado voy, Y SOLO.
yo lo que quiero es el libro ( ale!!!) jajaja
atch mis primas tambien andan con la emocion a todo lo que da porque ya la vieron y yo nop.
p.s. vamos a verla? aunque sea tu 1268749088938300.
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